Pagani Rinascimento


Pagani Rinascimento is an exclusive programme of car restoration, dedicated to the first Pagani models, with the aim of preserving their integrity and restoring the original splendor of the very first moment they left the factory.

A journey through history, through the dream that led to the first creation. The meticulous work of the craftsmen of the Modenese atelier allows to recover the deep soul of the car: with extreme attention to every detail, it starts from the original shape, retrieving the materials, the designs and the skins. Like a sculpture. No bolt or screw is left out during the restoration activity: each component is observed, examined and restored in order to return to the perfect and original blend of art and technology. With the mission of preserving the story, Pagani Rinascimento brings back the unique emotion and the experience of beauty in a custom-made dress.

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Through the Rinascimento programme, Pagani Automobili offers an exclusive service to customers who want to bring their cars back to the same condition and level of details they had when they left the factory. A conservative restoration aimed at bringing all the damaged parts of the car back to their original condition. A handcrafted artisanal work is carried out on the mechanical parts, on the systems, on the interior of the car and on all worn parts to recover the original appearance and functionality.


Pagani Zonda – a story made of emotions.

Pagani Zonda is the most celebrated car in the last 20 years, winning in its numerous versions, many Car of the Year prizes and establishing countless speed records in various circuits of the world. A new way to understand the concept of the supercar, where emotions and attention to detail go hand in hand with technological research and the evolution of composite materials. Since the beginning of Pagani Automobili’s adventure, in 1999, 137 specimens were built, each with a specific soul, created as a custom-made dress. Pagani Rinascimento aims to preserve and restore all those cars that have lived in the most diverse places in the world, where certain types of weather have deteriorated parts, or those that have been exploited or driven for many kilometers. Many Zonda customers indeed enjoyed the pleasure of Zonda almost every day, bringing the mileage of their cars to over 100,000 km.



Certification process

Pagani Rinascimento is a journey through history, through the processes that have made Zonda an icon of both Automotive and Design world.
A team of highly specialized artisans deals with one project at a time, documenting every single process and signing any carried out activity; all the information including images, drawings and technical data of the work done on the car, are collected in a dedicated Pagani Rinascimento Book (the “Librone”) that matches the existing original one. This allows the customer to be able to certify the car that through this process can be titled as an officially restored Zonda by Pagani Automobili.


Preserve the Authenticity

One of the most important activities to preserve the authenticity is to restore the original components and carbon parts using the same original molds, the same methodologies and the same materials, following faithfully the processes described in the original construction books.

A dedicated environment has been created within the new Pagani Atelier in San Cesario Sul Panaro: a workshop where a restoration project of a Pagani car can be shared together with our artisans and customers. A unique journey through the reconstruction process that fascinates the customer and where all the phases are fully documented and shared.

“To bring back the light and the original splendor of these masterpieces, is a pleasure as well as a great responsibility. Our customers rely on us because we are the only ones in the world capable of rebuilding and restoring Paganis as they came out of our Atelier. We want to give our customers the emotion to be thrilled as the first time. “ – Horacio Pagani